Robert Drysdale makes his 3rd appearance on the show! He talks about the importance of human contact, the struggles of running a gym, confidence waves during the BJJ journey and chronic blaming. He also updates us on his upcoming documentary Closed Guard!
Adam Wardzinski joins the show to talk about the BJJ scene in Poland, the path to becoming a professional grappler, rolling vs drilling and why it's important to roll with lower belts. He also gives a deep breakdown of the Butterfly Guard!
Kent Peters joins the show to talk about overcoming plateaus, being self-taught in BJJ, forcing yourself into miserable spots and the value of keeping a training journal. He also talks about attacking from non-dominant positions and Jiu-Jitsu for women
Jeffery Donovan joins the show to talk about fusing Judo and BJJ, starting training after 30 and learning to love competition. He also talks about mental strength and battling cancer while maintaining his journey in Jiu-Jitsu.